Sunday, January 25, 2009

A New Love

Actually two.

I like music. Lots of it. Most actually. However, Moon can attest to how I dislike (at times greatly dislike) certain folk groups. They make catchy songs but I really get tired of their voices quickly. I could never listen to Kingston Trio for more than like 3 songs without wanting to stab whoever is tormenting me.

Anywho, a good friend has gotten me intersted in the Jonas Brothers. In actuality, it was more another friend who has huge posters all over her side of the dorm room covered in their faces. I began to wonder what was so great about them. I'd never bothered listening to them. Until now. I like them. I also like looking at them. That's always a plus. (Joe is particularily hot when he wants to be. Nick is really cute but 16 :P and Kevin looks amazing in his vintage clothes and sideburns.) ***Tangent***
I normally hate thick sideburns but Kevin makes them look really good. At least to me. I never thought I'd like the whole Elvis 'burns...oh well. Things change.

The other love is T.M. Revolution. I liked him previously but this same friend (not the Jonas otaku* but the other one) recently rediscovered him and helped me to do the same. He is amazing including when he appears to and is cross-dressing.

I need to find a downloading site for Japanese music...


*otaku is used here in more the Japanese sense without the negativity. So more of a mix of American "being-an-otaku-isn't-bad" and the Japanese "that-person-is-an-obsessed-idiot."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fun Defintion

I just wrote this nice post about this definition I came across in Mm's blog and it just got erased. Wonderful. I now feel no need to re-write my thoughts. It rather upsets me to re-write things as i can never have it the same way as I did the first time when it's fresh and new. Hopefully this will publish despite the huge red ERROR going across my screen right now.


ps. the word was coital