Sunday, May 11, 2008

A "Hi!" Update

Hi again!
I just went out to my car and, happy joy! (man I'm sounding more and more like Moon), there was nothing attached to the car. No blood, no fur, nothing. I didn't drag anything home. It's still upsetting that I killed something that really didn't do anything wrong but I just have to come to terms with actually killing it needlessly.

It makes me think of a poem by one of the former teachers at my high school wrote. He's passed away now and he never was my teacher but on of the sponsors for the school Reading Club knew and let us read some of his works. On was about him jogging in the morning and seeing a dead frog in the road. He had just had a triple bypass as he jogged past the roadkill frog. He commented in the poem that if they both had been back in time then he would have bbe ndead but not the frog. That poem really makes me think about how we have changed the world and continue to do so as time passes. It makes me wonder if we will permanently damage the world and ruin it for future generations, how many more will be able to survive in the world that we contiuously destroy and make a worse place to live. Hopefully the earth can recover and become even more beautiful than it is now.

Can you tell I'm somewhat of a tree-hugger?
Oh, by the way, FYI, I really do hug trees sometimes if it strikes me to do so. My friends seem to think it's funny and/or cute when I do it. One of them even took a picture of me hugging one when we were walking to church one Sunday.


1 comment:

Brilliant or Something said...

No, not cute. Adorable. And I will have a camera next semester!