Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kitties, WoW, and Organic Chemistry

Today, I have managed to get internet at a friend's house as we work on our research project for this summer. We are writing our grant proposal and hoping to get funded. It envolved making a computer program that will show chemical reactions. I won't go into details but I really would like to. I am a sincere science dork/nerd/geek (whichever). But so is my research partner so we're good.

While here at MK's house (my friend) I got to see her kitties and I'm excited because the female one (Kitty) is pregnant. She is adorable and tiny with a bulging belly. She's only 9 months old and almost ready to give birth. The other kitty (a male - KK) is jealous of the attention she's getting. He also got mad at me earlier when I didn't let him in the bathroom while I peed. Apparently, in the wild, the Beta-cat( in this case KK) goes with the alpha-cat (me) and guards him while he's doing his business. Had I known I would have let him do his guarding but I didn't so he just sat outside the bathroom and waited for me. Angrily. You could see it in his face. Oh well, nothing to be done about it. He's now happily tucked away in a new box that MK set up for Kitty to give birth in. So much for that idea.

Now that I have written a suffiecent amout regarding my trip, i will go to happily play WoW and level my character.


I've been waiting to level for some time. I'm happy this trip inables me to multitask!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nipples and Christmas Break

Apparently, to Moon my exclamation of "New Post!" was really "Nipples!" Wow, she just waved her bra in my face in response to me blowing a raspberry at her. Odd. But then again she's Moon.

I have now finished all of my exams! I had 4, one each day and an essay due today. I'm happy I studies (not as well as I should have) but I think I did okay. At least I got a 96 on my formal lab report! And I just found out the most wonderful news every about Organic chem. Dr. S is going to count the lowest test grade as half as much as the others! Woo! that will help everyone's grade.

Organic bleh! you'd think a biologist would like organic anything, but alas, it is not so. To demonstrate this point several bio majors are dropping their BS degrees to BA degrees so they don't have to take the second half of the course. Lucky them. I can't do that. I'm pre-med, both required. Sigh...

Sadly, my toe began hurting again today. I don't think I mentioned it any previous post but I suffered a toe injury during a play here on campus. It swelled and hurt for about 2 or 3 weeks and then stopped. But now, a month later, it's starting again. Maybe I should go to the doctor if it continues. Although nothing should be wrong. It wasn't broken, just swollen. Sigh...why does like have to include hurting toes? At least it's not something more serious.

yay! home in a few hours!


I'm very glad I get to see Mm's new kitty soon. ^_^

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yay! New pointer!

I am terribly excited about something that has always bothered me: the mouse pointer. It made no sense to me at first why that stupid arrow was always pointing to the left. I just couldn't figure it out. Why was it going the wrong way? They it dawned on me: It's right for right-handers.

It always agitated me that it looked so wrong. But now my pointer has a pointing right orientation and the little pointing finger that comes up when you roll over links is a left hand. My laptop is now even more perfect for lefties! I love it.

Now if I could only do something about the mousepad and keyboard...
