Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chemistry Lab...

*Warning: Science Content* <-- I've always wanted to copy Mythbusters that way!

You know being a biology major has it's good points...and it's rather unpleasant points. (Unfortunately, my diction it a bit to close to Moon's frequent use of her overly large vocabulary). Typically it's great to know all these little things about chemical processes within biological actions. It makes it interesting to watch certain movies, slashers mostly. Sweeney Todd...

Back to what I was talking about. Some of the more unpleasant parts comes with inaccuracies presented as thorough fact. But one really annoying thing is chem lab. 4 chem classes are required here at University for BS bio majors. Today in lab, we had to do quantitative analysis of a solid. Basically we have determine what cations (positive ions) and anions (negative ions) are in a solid. For the cations, there are 3 different groups. If you get Group I there's no need to go on to test for Group II or Group III. I tested out of Group I. So I moved on to Group II. I managed to get a positive so I continue following about 22 steps including heating things for 4-5 minutes and centrifuging at least 10 times, until the end where the options were: a white solid or blue liquid. I had pale yellow liquid. My brain goes: Problem. So I go over to prof and he tells me that he wouldn't start over but he (the DOCTOR OF CHEMISTRY) doesn't really know what I should do. After relaying this wonderful information, he promptly turns to another student who needs help. He later informs me that having a false positive for my cation is completely normal considering that the concentrations of the solids was high. I think to myself: Wow, really could have used that info about 20 minutes ago.

All in all, after finding out that I didn't make so big a blunder, I did feel better but I have to finish the lab this week or after we get back from spring break. Apparently, 3hrs isn't enough time to freak out over bad results and finish a completely different portion of experiment. Who'd of guess it?

Done ranting now.


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