Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Moon

I realized after posting last night that I should really explain the reason that my dearly loved roommate is named Moon.

You could say it started when she discovered fan fiction, specifically Harry Potter fan fiction, which was in high school. At the time, of course, I was not living with her so I could not witness her obsessive habits for myself. I was only given the highly undetailed accounts of how late she stayed up on a certain night staring earnestly at a negative tinged screen to lessen the pain to her eyes. This I thought was assuredly uncommon. Boy was I wrong.

Upon picking a college, I managed to come to the same decision as her and ended up agreeing to be roommates. The first couple of days here at our very wonderful male-less college, we had no internat in the dorms as our wonderful campus technologies people were swampped with requests to connect laptops to the college network. Let's just say that my dearest Moon spent an amount of time in places that contained computers with internet access. I paid no attention, writing it off as a way to rid herself of bordom. Again I must say I was wrong. Very wrong.

Eventually, Moon did get the internet on her laptop (named lappy by the way) and she began to sit in front of it spending more time in the room instead of other buildings. I saw nothing wrong. Until we got started into the semester and I realized that she would read fan fics for hours then do homework into the late hours of the night and subsequently follow this in th mornings of complaints of little and/or poor sleep. Gee, I wonder why?

Anywho, since she would read at all times of day, night, and apocolyptic happenings, I noticed that upon entering the darkened room (we typically don't turn the light on unless necessary)after a shower her sleep ready birthday suit pajama clad self in all its glorious pastiness reflected the light of her fan fic ridden laptop quite well. My very dorky/nerdy/geeky brain automatically equated this reflection with the moon. Therefore, from that point on I began to call her Moon.

She really doesn't seem insulted by the name and general admits to being addicted to fan fiction. I guess this is good as I'd probably still say it when I get agitated. She does say I have a tendency to be violent when angry...hehe, sigh. oh well. It takes me a while to get angry and I haven't killed anyone yet.


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