Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Science Woes

For all my happiness about my beloved sciences, as time goes by I realize that I am increasingly more dorky. This really isn't bad and on some level I am quite pleased but on another it makes me feel somewhat like an outcast when I think in terms of what most people would know or be able to do or say. For instance, in the lab mentioned in the previous post there was a solution I needed while messing with the wrong group number. It was 6M NH4C2H3O2. I look at this, point to a bottle, and ask the young lady next to me who shares chemicals with me: "Is that the 6 molar ammonium acetate?" This occurred with little thought. She understood me and replied that it was. Very effective communication amongst Bio majors. But still, it sort of disconcerting to realize you will be one of those few people who can actually read and understand processed food labels.



Brilliant or Something said...

When I start to talk about how this one variation of brown needs this much more red, or orange, or yellow...and this proportion of water to that paint for X amount of time for a stain...and stop in the middle of the sidewalk to look at the negative spaces in the tree branches...I know how you feel.

Java said...

But is it a good thing to be able to understand processed food labels? Will that make you less likely to eat processed food?

I found your blog, obviously. I like it. Have a lovely week, dear.