Thursday, September 18, 2008

Science Humor

I know that I have mentioned before the oddities that amount from being a scinency person. But I have begun to achieve a new level of science geekdom. By the way, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In Organic Chem the other day, 5 of us were seated and talking when one girl (K) says that she really likes anothers (J's) mentor. K goes on to explain that as she was leaving paracitology J's mentor called out her name and said "I'm a scloex!" and put her hands up to her face forming two little circles. The table burst out laughing knowing precisely what she was talking about. Do you? Probably not. Most wouldn't. If you want to know, a scolex is the head part of a flatworm that often contains little hooks and suckers for attachment to the worm's host. J's mentor was mimicing the suckers. I must admit it was hilarious.

I can't wait for more dorky and scinecy jokes like this to pop up. I just hope that I don't end up like my old chem prof who tells really cute, corny chemisty jokes. But as I bio major I guess mine would be more of the "I'm a scolex!" type.


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